On 29 June 1980, the famous rock band AC/DC arrived at the Palais des Expositions in Namur to play their first concert with their new singer, Brian Johnson. This date holds special significance for many AC/DC fans. In January 2020, a trio of fans decided to meet with the mayor of Namur, Maxime Prévot, to share the significance of this legendary concert.

On 29 June 2021, exactly 41 years after the concert, the Namur city council unanimously voted to name the hemicycle-shaped square in front of the Palais des Expositions de Namur (now Namur Expo) as Esplanade AC/DC. The square features a total of 16 chairs, each dedicated to a member or ex-member of the band. The centerpiece is a statue of singer Brian Johnson singing, reminiscent of his performance on June 29th, 1980.

Esplanade AC/DC, 5000 Namur, Belgium

Back to Namur.

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